Name: Colleen
Job Title: Community Manager
Job Responsibilities: I handle all of the social media and web marketing (I tweet, I Facebook, and I edit this blog and force people to help me write posts!). I also respond to comments and reviews from customers online. Plus I coordinate the office orders and inventory at the corporate office.
Location: Corporate office
How long have you worked for Arooga’s?: 7 months
Favorite Wing Sauce: Louisiana Garlic Medium
Favorite Menu Item: That's a tough one... I really love the new Prime Rib Quesadilla that's on special on Fridays, but I probably eat at least 1 order of fried pickles a week so I'd have to say that's my absolute favorite.
Favorite Sports Team: Eagles and Phillies!!!
Best Thing About Working for Arooga’s: It's fun working in a laid back but fast paced atmosphere. We are a young company with a lot of potential, and I'm really excited about helping Arooga's make a splash in the online world.