
Friday, May 18, 2012

Pinterest for sharing

I am posting today to officially announce that Arooga's is now on Pinterest!

I was very hesitant at first about starting up a Pinterest account. If we are going to use it, I wanted to use it right. I wanted to link our friends to interesting content across the internet and not just post our photos and specials. To be honest, there aren't a whole lot of examples of restaurants using Pinterest effectively. There are some great brands out there using it like Whole Foods, ModCloth, and General Electric, but I still wasn't sure if Pinterest was really the right place for a sports bar and restaurant to really make a splash.

The more time has gone on though, I felt like we were really missing out on a movement. Pinterest is SUCH a cool idea. It's great for sharing all kinds of ideas and information. We have lots of interesting ideas in this office all the time, so I felt like we could make a contribution of some sort.

I sat down and really thought about it. I mean REALLY thought about it. What kind of information do we have to share? What kind of information do our customers and fans want? Basically... what kind of things do we and our customers love? What do people talk about when they're at Arooga's? What makes them think of Arooga's when they're at home? I made a list of general topics that I felt answered these questions and there they were! The topics for our Pinterest boards!

I've always been an avid blog reader and my Google Reader is always expanding with new

We've had it up and running for a little over a week now, and without advertising much that we're on Pinterest we haven't received too much of a following, but I do find it interesting that our most popular pin so far was a post about Placido Polanco's 2,000th career hit. So, I think we're hitting the nail on the head with our boards, and I'm really excited to start building a following and start following some of you so we can share pins!

1 comment:

  1. Simple, to the point post on Pinterest. There is no denying the value. The companies that "get it" now have the head start when it blows up for every one. Thank you for sharing.

